Astrospheric: Advanced Astronomy Weather Forecasting
Astrospheric is a detailed weather forecasting web site for astronomers and astrophotographers. It features maps giving: cloud cover, transparency, seeing conditions, ground temperature, jet stream, aerosol optical depth, light and smoke pollution information. Daily charts are used to predict cloud cover, transparency, seeing, sunrise, sunset, moonrise, moonset, wind speed, ground temperature, and dew point temperature. In addition, it shows when passovers of the ISS International Space Station will occur.
Other Local Astronomy Organizations
FRAC - Front Range Astronomical Community
The Front Range Astronomy Community is made up of amateur astronomers along and around the Front Range of Colorado and southern Wyoming. While many of our members belong to the Northern Colorado Astronomical Society (NoCoAstro), Longmont Astronomical Society (LAS), Boulder Astronomy and Space Society (BASS), The Little Thompson Observatory (LTO), Denver Astronomical Society (DAS), Cheyenne Astronomical Society (CAS), and other clubs & organizations around the Front Range, membership in one or more of these clubs is not required to be part of FRAC.
Members of the FRAC group communicate with each other on topics such as:
Special astronomy events
Locations and times of dark sky observing gatherings
Observing tips and techniques
Sharing astrophotos taken by members
Equipment recommendations and troubleshooting
DIY projects
Astronomy history
…And Much More
The FRAC was originally created (March 1999) and conceived by Archer Sully with the charter:
“…It is a list for observers in the area.
The idea is to promote cross-club observing sessions and communication.”
Note that FRAC is a mailing list, not a club. If you are located in or near the Front Range, you can request to join the FRAC list by clicking the link below.
The list is hosted by Google Groups. While you can be subscribed to FRAC from a variety of domains (yahoo, gmail, me, etc.) if you wish to see FRAC’s archive, you will need to subscribe to FRAC using a gmail account. You can then read the archives here:
The Sky
Astronomy Calendar of Celestial Events
This astronomy calendar of celestial events contains dates for notable celestial events including moon phases, meteor showers, eclipses, oppositions, conjunctions, and other interesting events. Most of the astronomical events on this calendar can be seen with unaided eye, although some may require a good pair of binoculars for best viewing.
Astronomy Observing Events & Star Parties
Many astronomy clubs and organizations host events where astronomers of all ages can get together and share the observing experience. The largest of these events are known as star parties and can attract hundreds of amateur astronomers and casual observers. This page contains links and information about local and non-local observing events and star parties.